Subscription models aren’t right for every publisher, but some are building robust advertising and subscription businesses alongside each other.
Quantifying sleeper subscribers requires a nuanced approach
Metrics tailored to specific products and audiences are required for publishers to understand and manage sleeper populations effectively.
Large publishers reduced promotional subscription prices by 16% in July
The average price offered to new subscribers dropped between June and July, Toolkits research found.
Publisher insights from Piano’s subscription benchmark report
Subscription technology provider Piano released its 2022 benchmark report last week. The company’s tech is embedded on hundreds of publisher sites so it has good visibility into subscriber trends developing across the industry.
Dependable partners show their value during periods of heightened uncertainty
It will become increasingly clear in the months ahead which technologies, tools and platforms are best equipped to support their long-term success.
The rise of the registration wall
Registration walls are emerging as an integral part of many publishers’ product approaches as they attempt to forge closer relationships with audiences.
75% of large subscription publishers offer discounted trials
The majority of large publishers with digital subscription products are currently offering discounted trials to help drive new subscriber acquisition, according to Toolkits research.
Managing “sleeper” subscribers
What to do when subscribers aren’t actually using the products or services they’re paying for.
Subscription insights from The 2022 Digital News Report
The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism released its annual Digital News Report last week, which included a handful of key takeaways for subscription publishers.
The shift to subscription simplicity
Publishers are increasingly moving away from convoluted pricing structures, vague product promises and overly complicated features, opting instead to package and price their subscription products as simply and clearly as possible.